Send In A Joke!

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11 Responses

  1. because you get a bonner whenever a train entres a tunnel

  2. Because you wear a big white dress to work.

  3. You know how I know you’re gay? You have skid marks in the front of your underwear.

  4. You know how I know you’re gay? You don’t just drop the soap, you throw it.

  5. Every night after listerine you gargle a pair of balls in your mouth

  6. by the way you kiss your boyfriend

  7. You know how I know your gay?

    Cause your shit tastes like penis!

    Take that cobra
    (and you said “Take that cobra” GAY!!!)

  8. because you squat when you piss

  9. Because your wife has a fanny like a sink-hole

  10. I know your gay cause your a midget and you keep telling me my hair smells nice

  11. Know how i know your gay? You watch “The Notebook” by yourself

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